Thursday, August 11, 2011


Greeting from the Spartan volleyball Seniors!
Our trip to Hawaii is bittersweet, as we know it is our last year to be a part of such a great trip and team. We are excited to start the season off right and show these other teams what we are all about. Hawaii is a special place because the team truly becomes a family, living under the same roof, making meals together, and the ability to enjoy such a beautiful place in this world. We have spent two days here already and have had the absolute best time. Our first day of arrival was a relaxed day at the house and ate a meal fit for a football team. We are so lucky to have Kathy along with us who has set in to mom mode and makes our meals, buys our groceries, and takes care of our injuries. Our second day we had an intense practice with no AC, we really got a feel for Honolulu. Later, we spent a fun filled day at the Makapuu beach and spent the afternoon wave surfing. Today is the big day! It’s Tess’ Birthday!!! The big 17! We had pancakes for breakfast and are getting ready to play games at 3, 5, and 7. It is the first day of the tournament and the Spartans are ready to DOMINATE! With our spirit of Jivvy Paw, and Boom Chicka Boom we will for sure bring enthusiasm.
Until next time
Class of 2012


  1. Best lookin' and dominatin' team -- keep rocking the court!

  2. Smart, athletic, and beautiful--you girls are ALL THAT. Congrats on stomping a 5A school in 2! You were beasts on that court!!! So proud...

